Karix Mobile plans to deliver WhatsApp Business APIs to its customers

Through the advanced WhatsApp Business messaging services, Karix will help enterprises drive rich conversations and create visibly engaging customer experiences

Karix Mobile, the India-based leading mobile engagement & communication provider, has reportedly partnered with the leading messaging platform, WhatsApp, in a bid to provide WhatsApp Business Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to its customers. Reports cite that the new service has been launched at the Mobile World Congress 2019, Barcelona, where the company also exhibited its portfolio of unified communication solutions.

Karix Mobile revealed in a recent statement that the company envisages to become one of the select WhatsApp Business service providers for numerous businesses. It further intends to provide two distinct deployment models namely, managed cloud and on-premise, for the India-based enterprise customers to incorporate the WhatsApp business APIs. Sources stated that the WhatsApp business API is likely to be available to global customers and developers, via Karix.io, which is its cloud CPaaS (communications platform as a service).

Deepak Goyal, the Chief Operating Officer, Karix Mobile, said that being a market leader in the space of unified communications as a service, the incorporation of WhatsApp Business to its portfolio is an obvious progressive step for Karix. WhatsApp’s large user base and popularity encourages businesses to engage with their customers. He further added that the company is excited about the launch of the new range of WhatsApp services and believes over 2,000 of its enterprise clients will certainly benefit from this collaboration.

As per a report by Tele Analysis, Randhir Marwa, Vice President, Product Management, Karix, elaborated that Karix offers its enterprise customers with an efficient ecosystem of solutions to meet end-to-end requirements. He added that the solution offerings include a Business Process Automation Manager, a Conversation Builder, a fallback system to direct WhatsApp requests to the agents and the On-Premise apps to enable legacy applications and more.

The WhatsApp offering will leverage the solutions the company has perfected for over two decades of their enterprise messaging experience, Marwa further affirms.